Over Asking Over Taking: Place and Story-walking

When and Where

Wednesday, April 03, 2024 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm


Dr. Lisa Myers
Dr. Heather Dorries


Through a discussion of Myers recent multi-media artwork, "Overture for Sterling Road," comprised of a lightbox photo work and related audio and augmented reality walk, artist, educator Lisa Myers and urban studies scholar Heather Dorries will consider relational conceptions of land not evident in urban development and planning. The talk will consider how Myers' work questions current predatory real estate practices and celebratory consumerism as facets of ongoing colonialism, and encourages viewers to imagine alternate relationships to place.

Join the FLOURISH Research Collective on April 3rd for an engaging session surrounding Arts-Community-Wellness!

Please note: Zoom details will be emailed to all registrants closer to the date.




Department of Health and Society
