Scribbling Academia: Comic Art and Theory

This working group sits at the intersection of creativity and theory to harness the collaborative potential between scholars and comic artists, transforming academic research into illustrated narratives. Our workshops will foster interdisciplinary dialogue, facilitating the exchange of ideas and experimentation with storytelling techniques. In round table discussions artists and academics reflect on their collaboration and discuss comic art's potential for knowledge dissemination. Participants will explore art forms such as illustration and digital art to visually articulate theoretical concepts. Engaging in collaborative exercises, participants will create tactile artwork such as collages, comics, and even dialogue. These activities serve as platforms for interdisciplinary exchange, pushing the boundaries of academic discourse.  Through hands-on experimentation, we hope to enhance accessibility to theory. This working group cultivates an intellectually stimulating environment where scholars and artists collaborate across intersection of art and theory. To request to join the group, email the group lead linked in the list.


Faculty Members, University of Toronto

  • Girish Daswani, UTSC Anthropology
  • Max Dionisio, (Lecturer) Information
  • Andrew Lesk, (Lecturer) A&S English
  • Chester Scoville, UTM English & Drama
  • Dana Seitler, English/Sexual Diversity Studies

Graduate Students, University of Toronto

  • Jacob Bessen, Anthropology
  • Wesley Brunson, Anthropology
  • Janita Van Dyk, Anthropology

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Toronto

  • Marie Odgaard, Anthropology