Ideologies of Contact: How “Mixed” Races and Languages Become Things

When and Where

Friday, March 31, 2023 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
AP 246
Department of Anthropology
19 Ursula Franklin Street


Angela Reyes


Join the Department of Anthropology as we continue our 2022-2023 Colloquium Series with a talk by Dr. Angela Reyes on Friday, March 31st from 2-4 PM in the Richard B Lee Boardroom, AP 246.

Dr. Reyes will give a talk titled, "Ideologies of Contact: How “Mixed” Races and Languages Become Things." Dr. Reyes explains, "To say that things are in "contact" is to presuppose that these things are "things," entities once distinct and separable before their encounter. But how do things become things? And how do things become "mixed"? This talk considers how "mixed" languages and races become things through ideologies of contact. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork on postcolonial elite formations at a private university in the Philippines, this talk explores how European and Filipino languages and races were regarded as entities whose contact produced consequences: linguistic and racial hybridity and linguistic and racial deauthentication. Through ongoing ideologies of contact, colonial hierarchies persist by identifying "mixed" elements within nested categories of the formerly colonized, inventing elite types that are both denigrated and admired for their supposed approximation to imperial modes of being and speaking."

We hope you will join us for this exciting talk!

Unable to attend in person? Register to attend via Zoom.

Contact Information


  • Department of Anthropology


19 Ursula Franklin Street

