International workshop on the semantics of non-canonical questions
When and Where
International workshop on the semantics of non-canonical questions
May 17–18, 2023
Regine Eckardt, Uni Konstanz - the function of after all-rhetorical questions
Donka farkas, University of California at Santa Cruz - rhetorical questions revisited
dan goodhue, Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft - Evidential bias in polar questions
Michela ippolito, University of Toronto - the interpretation of wh-the hell questions
angelika kiss, university of Toronto - dynamic commitments by declarative questions
kyle rawlins, Johns hopkins university - A computational model of question bias
Maribel romero, Uni Konstanz - Revisiting high negation questions
Neda todorović, University of Toronto - No vacuous negation in indicative and subjunctive questions: Case of Serbian