Now the Work of Criticism - W.J. Alexander Lecture in English Literature
When and Where
Join us to hear Hortense Spillers, Gertrude Conway Vanderbilt Professor, Distinguished Research Professor, Emerita, delve into criticism as it relates to democracy. The critical questions that we are raising today are not the usual ones evoked in the fields of literary studies and criticism, but they are nonetheless essential to our survival; we hope to briefly examine here the work of criticism, in the context of serious threats to democracy all over the world, including the democracies of North America. Can resources of criticism be harnessed in the name of democratic values?
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
4:30 – 6:00 P.M. EDT
The 2022-23 W.J. Alexander Lecture in English Literature is being held in-person at University College as well as streaming live online for home viewers.
Reception for in-person attendees: 6:00 - 7:00 P.M. EDT.
Paul Cadario Conference Centre at Croft Chapter House
University College
15 King’s College Circle, Toronto ON M5S 3H7
Please register by Monday, April 17, 2023
Kindly let us know if you require accessibility accommodations when you register.
Please note that masks are not required at U of T at this time, but as communicated by Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health, masking indoors is strongly recommended.
The W.J. Alexander Lectures were founded in 1928 in memory of Professor W.J. Alexander, Head of the Department of English at University College from 1889-1926.
Faculty, students, staff, and the public are cordially invited to this hybrid lecture. Please register.
For more information, contact