Queer(ing) Contemporary Italian Cultures: Home and Beyond
When and Where
Friday, April 01, 2022 9:00 am to Sunday, April 03, 2022 5:00 pm
Online Event
Title of event: Queer(ing) Contemporary Italian Cultures: Home and Beyond
Dates: April 1-3 (all day)
Where: Online, via Zoom (registration required)
Description: A gathering of thinkers, academics, activists, and artists to discuss the complexities at the juncture of queer and Italian identities – in the homeland and in diasporic communities. We hope to foster a conversation on how we can collaborate across “industries" and transnationally to continue highlighting the generative intersections of queerness and italianità (plural). Free and all welcome.
Organizers: Paolo Frascà, Licia Canton
Speakers: see program Queering Italian Cultures Program.pdf
Registration link: tinyurl.com/QueerItalian
Contact: paolo.frasca@utoronto.ca
Contact Information
Italian Studies